
Change XML Port in XenApp 6.0 and 6.5

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The commands (ctxxmlss) to unregister the XML port and to reregister the XML port have not changed and can still be used as described in the Instructions. In addition, you must set the new XML service port policy in the Citrix GPO settings as shown in the screen shots. Note: The XML service port policy is a Computer policy and must also be set, even if the ctxxmlss command is successfully completed and states that the XML port is changed.

Steps to change XML port

Complete the following steps to change the XML port:

  1. Stop the Citrix XML service.

  2. Run the following command to un-register the current XML port: ctxxmlss /U Note: To ensure the command was successful, go to services and verify that the Citrix XML service is no longer listed. If it is still listed, refresh the window.

  3. Run the following command to register the new XML port: ctxxmlss /R**** Note: The *** (asterisks) represent the new port you want to use. To ensure the command was successful, go to services and verify that the Citrix XML service is now present again.

  4. Start the Citrix XML Service.

  5. Open the Citrix Delivery Services Console (or Citrix AppCenter), and expand the Farm that contains the server. Select the Policies, and click Computer.

  6. Edit the current Unfiltered policy, or create a new policy. If you create a new policy, name it and click Next. If you are editing a current policy, select it and edit. Select All Settings under the categories section, and scroll to the bottom of the list (on the right-side) and find XML service port. Select XML service port.

  • If the hyperlink shows Add, no value has been specified. Click the Hyperlink, specify the new port, and click OK.

  • If the Hyperlink shows Edit, a value has already been set. Click the Hyperlink, update the value to the new port, and click OK.

  1. Click Next to configure when the changes must be applied and then click Next. Select the option to enable the policy and click Save. Note: You can either add a Worker Group Filter, or if you want this setting to be applied to all servers, do not configure a filter at all.

  2. Run the Gpupdate command from the command prompt, or wait until it refreshes after 90 seconds to enforce the change.

  3. Verify the XML port in the registry as shown in the following screen shot; under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CtxHttp

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