
NetScaler Commands

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List of commands used in Netscaler(not full list):

  • show ns ip - Shows configured Netscaler IP address (SNIP, VIP, MIP)
  • show version - Shows the current Netscaler firmware version
  • show hardware - Lists hardware details of appliance (including serial number)
  • sh license Displays licensed feature on appliance
  • sh running | more Shows the current running configuration (page per time)
  • sh ns fea Displays list of Netscaler features
  • en ns fea Enables a Netscaler feature (Dependant on license)
  • dis ns fea Disables Netscaler feature
  • sh ns mode Displays list of configured Netscaler modes
  • en ns mode Enables Netscaler Mode
  • dis ns mode Disables Netscaler mode
  • sh lb vserver | more Displays list of configured Load Balanced vServers
  • sh lb vserver Displays information relating to specified vserver
  • en lb vserver Enable LB vserver
  • dis lb vserver Disable LB vserver
  • sh service | more Displays list of configured Services (not service groups)
  • sh service <service name> Displays information relation to specified service
  • en service Enable Service
  • dis service Disable Service with a delay (in seconds)
  • sh servicegroup | more Displays list of configured Service Groups
  • sh servicegroup Displays information relating to specified servicegroup
  • en servicegroup Enable servicegroup
  • dis servicegroup –delay <#> Disables servicegroup with delay (in seconds) sh server Displays a list of servers
  • en server Enables specified server
  • dis server Disables specified server with a delay (in seconds)
  • sh monitor Shows the list of configured Netscaler monitors
  • sh monitor Displays information relating to the specificed monitor
  • sh route Prints a list of defined routes add route Adds a static route on the appliance
  • rm route Removes a static route on the appliance
  • sh int Displays information on all network interfaces
  • sh int Displays information relating to specified network interface
  • en int Enable Netscaler NIC
  • dis int Disable Netscaler NIC
  • sh arp Displays information from ARP table (including iface used)
  • sh vlan Displays VLAN ID’s and assigned NIC’s
  • sh ha node Displays HA node status
  • force ha fail Forces HA Failover between nodes
  • nstrace –tcpdump enable Performs a packet capture (all NICs) with tcpdump enabled
  • shell Exits to shell command prompt (FreeBSD)
  • dmesg Displays system message log from shell (since reboot)
  • save c Saves current running config to fileFor these 3 below commands use name also, to get the desired output. Ex,  show service doesnt show monitors attached to it. Use show service NAME - this shows along with monitors.
  • Show Service (name) Shows list of services with what monitors are configured for the service
  • Show lb vserver (name) shows list of vservers and what services are configured for it with monitor information for each service
  • Stat lb vserver (name) Shows connection information for vserver that you are looking up

These commands are useful when troubleshooting issues with NetScaler Gateway, rewrite and responder policies.

Run the following command from the shell prompt of the appliance to view the real time hits on the:

  • Authentication policies and session policies applied on the NetScaler Gateway virtual server: (How to Identify the Session Policy Applied to the User After Authentication)nsconmsg –d current –g pol_hits
  • Rewrite policy bound at a global level or to a load balancing, content switching, or NetScaler Gateway virtual server:nsconmsg –d current | egrep –i rewrite
  • Responder policy bound at a global level or to a load balancing, content switching, or NetScaler Gateway virtual server:nsconmsg –d current | egrep –i responder

Posted in CTX138840

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