
Objects You Can Migrate

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You can migrate the following XenApp object types.

Object Type Description
Application All applications are enumerated; however, for the corresponding worker groupbe associated with the application, the application must be d to one of the servers specified in the server mapping file. hat can be resolved on the server in the new farm (account auth are trusted in the new farm) are migrated.When migratinApp 6.5 test/pilot farm, this includes pre-launched applicationsting from a 32-bit XenApp 5 platform, the application path is not translated.
Folder Includes application folders and server folders. Server folders are migrated so server permissions can be copied; however, the server objects are ated.
Load evaluator Load evaluators and their rules are migrated. Migrated load evaluators are ched to applications (where applicable), but they are not attached rs.
Policy Policies are migrated by creating an IMA (Independent Management Architecture) GPO (Group Policy Object) with the same name as the policy. Server are migrated by using the Server Group (worker group) filter for in the mapping file. For user filters, only the accounts thatlved on the target server in the new farm (account authorit trusted in the new farm) are migrated.When migrating fr6.0 farm or a XenApp 6.5 test/pilot farm, this includes load bacies. Citrix policies in the source farm that are configured in XenApp Management (Deliverynsole or AppCenter) can be migrated. Citrix policies that arein Active Directory using the Group Policy Management Console ared.
Server configuration When migrating from XenApp 5, configuration settings for servers specified in server mapping file are migrated by creating an IMA Machine GPO orkerGroupname” where name is the name of roup specified in the server mapping file. This policy is filter group. Worker groups are created as necessary, but they areted with servers or OUs (Organizational Units).When ating fr6.0 farm or a XenApp 6.5 test/pilot farm, this worker
Farm configuration Farm configuration settings are migrated by creating an IMA Machine GPO named “Farm.” This policy is unfiltered.
Administrator Only Citrix administrators whose accounts can be resolved on the server in new farm are migrated (the corresponding account authorities are in the new farm or they represent Citrix built-in accounts).

Farm and server settings from the source farm are compared against the default values used when the new farm was created. The corresponding setting in the policy in the new farm is set to “Not Configured” if it matches the default value for the same setting in the new farm.

Health Monitoring and Recovery (HMR) test executables are not copied; however, HMR test configurations are migrated into policies in the new farm. Session printers are migrated, but the printer path is not validated on the new farm.

For zones and load evaluators:

  • When migrating from a XenApp 5 farm, zones and load evaluator attachments to servers are not migrated; however, the Zone Preference and Failover policy is converted to a load balancing policy that is filtered by worker groups. The conversion uses the server mappings specified for the migration.
  • When migrating worker groups from a XenApp 6.0 farm, if all servers in a worker group are in the same zone, a group policy is created for the initial zone, and a filter by worker group is applied. If all servers are not in the same zone, an initial zone policy is not created, and a warning appears. Similarly, if all servers in a worker group have the same load evaluator, a policy is created.
  • When migrating from a XenApp 6.5 test/pilot farm, it is assumed that the source farm has zone and load evaluator policies, so they are copied.

The following settings are not migrated:

  • Printer management
  • Configuration Logging settings

Only settings that reside in the IMA data store are migrated; settings that reside only in the server registry are not migrated.

The migration process ignores the following settings:

  • Deprecated settings, such as AIE (Application Isolation Environment).
  • Permissions that do not exist in the XenApp 6.5 release, whether they correspond to a deprecated feature or a configuration setting that is now supported as a policy.

Posted in Citrix eDocs

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