
Tools I came across

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Tools that I came across in my day to day troubleshooting:

  • Autoruns - shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and when you start various built-in Windows applications like Internet Explorer, Explorer and media players.
  • CDFControl - CDFControl utility is an event tracing controller or consumer for capturing CDF trace messages displayed from various Citrix tracing providers. Refer to CTX111961 - CDFControl to download the CDFControl utility.
  • Citrix Application Experience Tool - This tool provides an easy graphical interface where you can set various application experience settings such as seamless flags and hooking keys.
  • Citrix HDX Monitor - The HDX Monitor tool is used to validate the operation and configuration of key features of XenDesktop’s and XenApp’s HDX stack including the latest HDX virtualization technologies like MediaStream for Flash and HDX RealTime features. Consequently, this tool can also help you diagnose and troubleshoot HDX issues.
  • CitrixHealthAssistant -  The Citrix Health Assistant is a Windows tool to help Citrix administrators troubleshoot configuration issues in a Citrix environment. Checks for delivery controller connectivity, registration, VDA software install, service status, windows firewall etc.
  • Citrix Quick Launch - you can test the connectivity to any published resource hosted on the latest versions of XenApp & XenDesktop. Connection is established from your machine to the citrix delivery controller and tries to launch the application or VDI. Doesn’t go through storefront/WI and Netscaler. We can identify whether issue is with storefront or netscaler or the backend delivery controller.
  • CitrixUPMLogParser - Citrix UPM Log Parser has been designed to help analyzing the log files generated by Citrix Profile Management.
  • CPUEaterDist32 - Create stress on CPU for testing.
  • CPUSTRES - Create stress on CPU for testing.
  • CtxCseUtil_v1 - CtxCseUtil is a tool that can generate resultant set of policy (RSOP) report (per computer, per user or both) for Citrix policies on a device that has the Group Policy Management Console installed.
  • DebugDiagx64 - The Debug Diagnostic Tool (DebugDiag) is designed to assist in troubleshooting issues such as hangs, slow performance, memory leaks or memory fragmentation, and crashes in any user-mode process.
  • DebugView - DebugView is an application that lets you monitor debug output on your local system, or any computer on the network that you can reach via TCP/IP.
  • Delprof2 1.6.0 - Tool to delete profiles locally and on remote machines.
  • LGPO - Local group policy object - Tool to manage local group policies. Useful when exporting and importing local group policies from one machine to other.
  • LTSRAssistant - The LTSR Assistant scans components of XenApp and XenDesktop to determine if they are LTSR compliant.
  • NotMyFault - Notmyfault is a tool that you can use to crash, hang, and cause kernel memory leaks on your Windows system.
  • ProcessExplorer -  Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
  • ProcessMonitor - Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.
  • PXEChecker - PXEChecker is tool designed to troubleshoot configuration and environment related issues during the PXE boot process in Citrix Provisioning Services (PVS). It runs BDM test and Legacy BIOS test.
  • ReceiverDiag - The Receiver Diagnostics Tool for Windows enables Administrators to collect and upload key data from various components of Citrix Receiver installed on Windows end points. The information can then be shared with Citrix Technical Support using secure uploads to diagnose and troubleshoot cases.
  • VDACleanupUtility - Tool to clean all VDA components in case of VDA failure on new installation or upgrade from existing version to a new version.
  • XDPing -  The Citrix Health Assistant tool has replaced XDPing. The XDPing tool is a legacy command-line based application which automates the process of checking for the causes of common configuration issues in a XenDesktop environment. The tool can be used to verify configuration settings on both the XenDesktop Broker and VDA machines, both from the console and remotely.

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